2022 Major Sponsors
2022 From Evolution to Revolution
Browse the papers that interest you and find them under the relevant tab below. All presentations have been converted to PDF for ease of uploading.
There were a number of presentations which contain videos. These will be available via drop box in the next few days. Contact the secretary for a link
Note: Not all presenters provided a paper.
Day 1
Romesh Rodrigo - Daimler Truck Australia Pacific
Maarten Durent - Managing Director, Southpac Trucks
Kevin Smith - General Manager, Fuso NZ
Alfons Reitsma - Senior Product Engineer, Scania New Zealand
Alfons Reitsma - Special paper - Productivity presentation
Brendan King - General Manager, TR Group
Simon Monteith - Engineering Manager, KahuEV
Grant Doull - National Manager - Hydrogen & Eco Commercial Vehicles, Hyundai Truck & Bus
Ryan McDonald - Head of New Business, Hiringa (H2) - contact speaker for a copy rmcdonald@hiringa.co.nz
Andrew Renton - Senior Principal Engineer, Transpower
Ross Linton - Director, E Trucks
Day 2
Peter Brown - Regional Manager, Central/Lower NI, NZTA
Richard Lee - Independant Training Audit Services
Doug Latto - Director, Transport & Mechanical Consulting
Glen McGarry - Senior Manager, Repair & Environmental, MTA (No paper)
Chris Rodley - Senior Manager Regulatory Standards and Implementation, NZTA
Gareth Wishart - HW Richardson Group, Group General Manager Innovation
Fabian Lloyd - Fonterra
Chris Carr - Director, Carr & Haslam (No paper)
Alex Thompson - General Manager, Vehicle Logistics, Carr & Haslam (No Paper)